
Welcome to COSALFA 50

The 50th Ordinary Meeting of the South American Commission for the Fight against Foot-and-Mouth Disease (COSALFA) will take place on April 25th and 26th, 2024, at the , Av. Niemeyer, 121, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

On this special occasion, commemorating the 50th edition of the COSALFA Meeting is an opportune moment to learn and recognize the work and challenges we face in building this history.

The significant and sustained progress of the Hemispheric Program for the Eradication of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (PHEFA), since its first action plan in 1988, has made remarkable and solid progress, with approximately 98% of the Americas having achieved and preserved the official status of foot-and-mouth disease-free with or without vaccination granted by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE). In this regard, and three years after its third Action Plan 2021-2025, the PHEFA enters its final phase, where significant challenges will be addressed on a priority basis in the region.

COSALFA 50 will analyze the current situation in accordance with the challenges of PHEFA, and it is expected to adopt resolutions that give effectiveness to regional technical cooperation, with particular attention to territories that do not yet have recognition of their health status. In addition, an update will be made on the preparation for the final phase and progress on the project of the Regional Bank of Antigens/Vaccines for Foot-and-Mouth Disease and collaborative public-private synergy to advance regional strategies.

Prior to COSALFA 50, on April 22nd and 23rd, the International Seminar "Approaching Regional Eradication: Half a Century of Progress" will take place. In this edition, we are offering the opportunity to present papers related to the topic in a poster session, following the rules for paper submission.

COSALFA is composed of 26 representatives from 13 South American countries and Panama, with a representative from the public sector, the Director of the Official Veterinary Service, and a representative from the private sector, related to the highest trade association that nationally brings together livestock producers.

The 13 COSALFA member countries are: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela, and Uruguay.

The 50th COSALFA is promoted by the Pan American Center for Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Veterinary Public Health (PANAFTOSA/SPV) of the °µÍø¸£Àû/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) with the support of the Government of Brazil, through the Secretary of Agricultural Defense (SDA) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (). 

We look forward to welcoming you to Rio de Janeiro for an unforgettable event!

Participant's Guide

Information on transportation, event venue, and visas




Public Sector Delegate

Delegado Sector Público

Sergio Fabián Robert 
Vice president

National Agri-Food Health and Quality Service (SENASA) 
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries (MAGyP)

Private Sector Delegate

Delegado Sector Privado 

Raúl Roldán 
Vice president 1

Member of the Argentine Rural Confederations - CRA



Delegado Sector Público

Delegado Sector Público

Javier Ernesto Suárez Hurtado 
Director General Ejecutivo

National Service for Agricultural Health and Food Safety (SENASAG)

Delegado Sector Privado

Delegado Sector Privado

Carlos Edson Peñaranda Bersatti 
Foreign Trade Advisor

Livestock Group Estancias Espiritu Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia



Public Sector Delegate

Delegado Sector Público 

Marcelo Andrade Mota 

Department of Animal Health (DSA)
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA)

Private Sector Delegate

Delegado Sector Privado

Francisco Olavo Pugliese de Castro 

Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA)



Delegado Sector Público

Delegado Sector Público

Carlos Orellana Vaquero 
Head of the Livestock Protection Division

Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG)

Delegado Sector Privado

Delegado Sector Privado

Rafael Lecaros van der Goes 
Union Delegate 

National Agricultural Society (SNA)



Public Sector Delegate

Delegado Sector Público

Juan Fernando Roa Ortiz 
General Manager E

Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA)
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Private Sector Delegate

Delegado Sector Privado

Jaime Rafael Daza Almendrales 
Secretary General

Colombian Federation of Livestock Farmers (FEDEGAN)



Delegado Sector Público

Delegado Sector Público

Christian Antonio Zambrano Pesantez 
(Presidente pro Tempore) 
Coordinador General de Sanidad Animal 

Agencia de Regulación y Control Fito y Zoosanitario (AGROCALIDAD)

Delegado Sector Privado

Delegado Sector Privado 

Carlos Alberto Fernández Cobo 

Asociación Holstein del Ecuador 



Public Sector Delegate

Delegado Sector Público 

Praimnauth Tihul 
Deputy Director General (Ag)  

Guyana Livestock Development Authority (GLDA)
Department of agriculture

Private Sector Delegate





Public Sector Delegate

Delegado Sector Público

Dr. Concepción Santos Sanjur 
National Director of Animal Health
National Directorate of Animal Health

Ministry of Agricultural Development - MIDA

Private Sector Delegate

Delegado Sector Privado

Ovidio Saavedra Rivera 

Association of Livestock Breeders (ANAGAN)  



Public Sector Delegate

Delegado Sector Público

José Carlos Martín Camperchioli 

National Service for Animal Quality and Health (SENACSA) 

Private Sector Delegate

Delegado Sector Privado

Gilbert Luis Ochipinti Beterette 
Member of the Management Board 

Animal Health Service Foundation (FUNDASSA)



Public Sector Delegate

Delegado Sector Público

Eglinton Rubén Villacaqui Ayllón 

Basic Epidemiological Risk and Surveillance Specialist 
Subdirectorate of Risk Analysis and Epidemiological Surveillance
Animal Health Directorate
National Agrarian Health Service (SENASA)

Private Sector Delegate






Public Sector Delegate

Delegado Sector Público

Faizel Wilnis 
Veterinary Director 

Animal Production and Health Veterinary Service 

Private Sector Delegate



Public Sector Delegate

Delegado Sector Público

Enrique Diego de Freitas Netto 

General Directorate of Livestock Services

Private Sector Delegate

Delegado Sector Privado

Jorge Bonino Morlan 

Rural Association of Uruguay (ARU)



Public Sector Delegate

Delegado Sector Público

Wilmer José Alcázar Guerra 
National Director of Comprehensive Animal Health

National Institute of Comprehensive Agricultural Health (INSAI)

Delegado Sector Privado

Delegado Sector Privado

Carlos Alfredo Hellmund 

Venezuelan Foundation of Animal Health Services (FUNVESSA)

"Getting Close to Regional Eradication: Half a Century of Progress"

Welcome to the International Seminar of the 50th Ordinary Meeting of the COSALFA, an encounter that not only  represents a significant chapter in our fight against foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) but also acts as a contemporary echo of the historic Seminar on Foot-and-Mouth Disease Control and Eradication Programs in South America,  held at the Gloria Hotel in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,  where PAHO was recommended to create the South American Commission for the Fight Against Foot-and-Mouth Disease - COSALFA.

Today, following the same pattern, we are meeting once again to inspire and guide our present and future work. In this endeavor, each member country of the COSALFA brings a brief history, the current scenario and the challenges faced to maintain and advance to the FMD health status, according to the present context and the definition of different strategies to progress in each situation.

Likewise, the agenda has been divided into 5 (five) theme sections. The first one is devoted to an update of the foot-and-mouth disease situation in the world and in the region of the Americas, within the framework of the objectives, strategies, and guidelines of the Action Plan 2021-2025 of the Hemispheric Program for the Eradication of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (PHEFA).

The following 4 (four) sessions will be addressed by representatives of the veterinary services of the countries of the COSALFA, according to the status of the foot-and-mouth disease granted by the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH). During this event, the present and future challenges for maintaining vaccination-free areas will be presented for discussion. The Pre-COSALFA 50 Seminar will be held via .

The conclusions of each session will be presented at the 50th Ordinary Meeting of the COSALFA. 


Videos: Questions and Answers on the Eradication of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (FMD) in the Americas (in Spanish)

Presentación de la serie de videos por el Director de PANAFTOSA/OPS

¿Por qué podemos erradicar la fiebre aftosa en las Américas?

¿Es necesaria la vacunación para estar libre de fiebre aftosa?

El riesgo cero no existe para la fiebre aftosa

Fiebre aftosa: No mirar por el retrovisor

¿Es posible un país mantenerse libre de fiebre aftosa sin el uso de vacunas?

¿Puede ocurrir un brote de fiebre aftosa en un país libre?

¿Quién paga la cuenta en un país libre de Fiebre Aftosa?

BANVACO - ¿Por qué los países libres necesitan un Banco de Antígenos y Vacunas para Fiebre Aftosa?

Programa Hemisférico de Erradicación de Fiebre Aftosa (PHEFA)


COSALFA's Member States













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