
Haitian Doctor Receives PAHO Award for Management and Leadership in Health Services

Jean-Patrick Alfred holds the PAHO Award for Management and Leadership. He is standing next to the PAHO Director and the Directing Council president.
PAHO/WHO/Karina Zambrana

Washington, DC, October 1, 2024 (PAHO)- The 做厙腦瞳 (PAHO) has recognized Dr. Jean-Patrick Alfred, of Haiti, with the PAHO Award for Management and Leadership in Health Services 2024. The award was presented during PAHO's 61st Directing Council, which is taking place this week and gathers highest health authorities of the Americas.

The award highlights Dr. Alfred's leadership in developing critical policy initiatives throughout his professional career, particularly Haiti's 2012-2022 health plan, which focused on a primary care approach to strengthen the countrys health system, making it more resilient and people-centered.

Dr. Alfred is a leading physician, holding a degree in medicine and postgraduate degrees in health systems and services and health policy. In addition, since 2015 he has been the Director of the Studies and Programming Unit (UEP,by its acronym in French) of the Haitian Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP).

His career has been mostly in health administration and teaching, and he has contributed to several research studies.

The President of PAHO's 61st Directing Council and Minister of Health of Paraguay, Mar穩a Teresa Bar獺n, presented this year's award to Dr. Alfred, highlighting his career as head of the UEP and his active participation in strengthening the MSPP, as well as his leadership in the development of Haiti's Unified Health Information System (SISNU).

As I receive this award, I think of Haiti, a proud and dignified country which, despite titanic challenges, continues to rise again and again. This prize not only reminds me of the immense obstacles we continue to face but also of the progress and victories we have fought so hard to achieve, Dr. Alfred said, upon receiving the award. "Our collective struggle for a more resilient, people-centered healthcare system remains at the heart of my commitment, he added.

Through this award, established in 1969, the governments of the Americas recognize outstanding contributions to improving health systems and services, and to programs, projects, and initiatives with proven impact on access to health care at the national or regional levels.

Previous recipients include Dr. Alfredo Espinosa Brito, from Cuba; Dr. Carla Romero, from Bolivia; Dr. Joanne Liu, from Canada; Dr. Reina Roa Rodr穩guez, from Panama; and Dr. Natalia Largaespada, from Belize.