
First Interregional Meeting on Strengthening Preparedness for Health Emergencies and Disasters in Cities and Urban Settings

First Interregional Meeting on Strengthening Preparedness for Health Emergencies and Disasters in Cities and Urban Settings
Banner: First interregional meeting on Strengthening Preparedness for Health Emergencies and Disasters in Cities and Urban Settings. Logo with letters PU resembling buildings



The First Interregional Meeting on Strengthening Preparedness for Health Emergencies and Disasters in Cities and Urban Settings will be held in Quito, Ecuador, from Tuesday, October 15 to Thursday, October 17, 2024.

This event, organized by the °µÍø¸£Àû (PAHO/WHO) through the Health Emergencies Department (PHE), is part of the follow-up to the implementation of the initiative to strengthen preparedness capacities for response and recovery in health emergencies and disasters in Latin America and the Caribbean. Learn more about the initiative here.



The general objective of this meeting is to contribute to the implementation of the World Health Organization (WHO) Resolution approved during the World Health Assembly (WHA) in May 2022 (WHA75.7 and WHA 73.8), which focuses on strengthening health emergency preparedness and response in cities and urban settings, with a request to focus on the unique vulnerabilities of cities from the perspective of health security and strengthening health emergency preparedness.

Specific objectives:

  • Evaluate the progress of the initiative to strengthen capacities for preparedness, response, and recovery in health emergencies and disasters in cities and urban settings in the Americas.
  • Facilitate the exchange of experiences and lessons learned among participating cities and other regions of the world.
  • Collaboratively formulate regional strategic lines of work for the expansion of the initiative in the region.



The event is aimed at those responsible for Health and Disaster Emergency Management in Ministries of Health; Experts in health and disaster emergency management; Representatives of non-governmental organizations and civil society; Academics and professionals in public health and urban planning; Officials from the °µÍø¸£Àû (PAHO/WHO).





Preliminar Agenda 


Day 1: Tuesday, 15th October (9:00 - 17:10)

9:00 - Session 1: Opening Session +


Welcome, Introduction and Objectives of the Meeting

Welcome Remarks
Dr Ciro Ugarte, PAHO Health Emergencies Director
Main urban health challenges, connecting the issues to the initiative to be discussed
Secretary of Health Quito
Secretary of Health Bogotá
Dr. Valeska Stempliuk, Disease Prevention, Surveillance and Control Advisor. PAHO/WHO Ecuador
Dr. Ludy Suryantoro, Head of Unit at World Health Organization
Overview and global overview of the initiative, its scope and key areas
Dr. Ludy Suryantoro, Head of Unit at World Health Organization

Presentation of participants - Interactive Session 

Moderator: Master of Ceremonies 

10:00 - Session 2: Progress and Successful Experiences in the Implementation of the Initiative +


Roundtable: Analysis of the strategic lines in the implementation of the Americas initiative
Moderator: Adam Touline, Technical Officer, Health Security Preparedness, WHO HQ

Countries' Presentations - Main Implementation Progress

Presentation Quito
Holder. Secretary of Health Quito

Presentation Bogota
Holder. Secretary of Health Bogota

Presentation Cali
Holder. Undersecretary of Health Cali

Discussion round - Q&A

11:10 - Session 3: Risk Assessment in Cities and Urban Settings +


Panel discussion: Towards Risk Reduction in Cities and Urban Settings with a Development Perspective
Moderador: Ing. Daniel Arteaga, Advisor UNDRR Americas

Strategic Disaster Risk Assessment in the Health Sector 
Juan Carlos Sánchez, International Consultant

Health Risk Management in Conflict-Affected Urban Settings
Tanja Schmidt, Team Lead, Preparedness, Readiness and Capacity Building, Health Emergencies Programme, WHO Regional Office for Europe

Resilient Cities: Ecuador's experience in building resilient cities
Titular (TBC). National Secretariat for Risk Management Ecuador 

Interactive exercise with guiding questions

Expert panel: Protecting health from the risk of forest fires in the urban environment 
Moderator: Dr. Adriana Echeverría, Risk Management Coordinator, Health Secretariat, Metropolitan District of Quito/ Alternate moderator: Raquel Lejtreger   

Interactive discussion: Best practices, challenges, and lessons learned in protecting health from wildfires in urban areas

  • Ecuadorian Red Cross's perspective on responding to wildfires in urban settings, with a focus on public health protection and humanitarian assistance during these emergencies
    Roque Soria, National Relief Director, Ecuadorian Red Cross  
  • Strategies of the Quito Fire Brigade in the prevention and response to forest fires in urban areas and discuss the logistical and operational challenges they face
    Esteban Cárdenas Varela. Commander of the Quito Metropolitan District Fire Department (TBC)
  • Quito's risk management approach to forest fires, including planning, prevention, and inter-institutional coordination  
    Christian Arias. Director of Risk Management DMQ 

Panel Discussion: Key Challenges Facing Cities and Urban Environments in the Face of Climate Change 
Moderator: Mgs. Patricia Carrillo. Security - Risk Management Directorate 

Impact of the Climate Crisis on Health in Urban Settings 
Yolanda González Hernández (TBC) 
Director of the International Centre for Research on El Niño Phenomenon. CIIFEN 

Sea Level Rise in Cities and its Impact on Health
Tshewang Choden Dorji. Advisor, Data Management, Analytics, and Products (DMAP). Health Emergency Information & Risk Assessment, PAHO

New Urban Agenda and Health 
Monica Quintana, UN Habitat Regional Office 

Interactive Exercise Discussion  

15:30 Session 4: Side Events +


Strengthening Preparedness for Response and Recovery in Urban Settings and Cities 

15:30 - Strategic Risk Assessment of Health Emergencies and Disasters in Urban Settings 
Alex Camacho / Juan Carlos Sánchez

15:30 - Coordination mechanisms for response to health emergencies and disasters in cities and urban settings 
Leonardo Hernández / Giselle Alban (TBC) 

15:30 - Risk communication strategies for health emergencies and disasters in cities
Tanya Escamilla / Rafael Castillo

17:00 - Closing Remarks +


Summary of the day and conclusions 



More information: hqdrr@paho.org