Country News /en en PAHO/WHO TTO: Strengthening Respiratory Virus Surveillance in Trinidad and Tobago /en/news/3-10-2024-pahowho-tto-strengthening-respiratory-virus-surveillance-trinidad-and-tobago <p>Port of Spain, 1 October 2024 - The PAHO/WHO TTO Country Office recently hosted a mission in Trinidad and Tobago which focused on enhancing the country’s ability to track and monitor the spread of respiratory viruses. The aim of the mission was to strengthen the systems that detect these viruses. By improving these systems, the country is better poised to handle future outbreaks and keep communities safe.</p> 3 Oct 2024 Candice Alcantara node/97365 CD61: BIREME presents products and services at a booth at PAHO headquarters /en/news/2-10-2024-cd61-bireme-presents-products-and-services-booth-paho-headquarters <p><em>São Paulo, October 2, 2024 (BIREME/PAHO/WHO) - From September 30 to October 4, 2024, at the 61st PAHO Directing Council, BIREME is presenting its products and services at an interactive booth, promoting digital transformation in health information management. Director João Paulo Souza and manager Verônica Abdala highlight strategic partnerships, new initiatives and innovative solutions, while provoking reflections on the capacity of health systems in the Americas to promote scientific knowledge in different health contexts.&nbsp;</em></p> 2 Oct 2024 Ana Franzon node/97342 Handover of the Clinical Data Exchange Program (CDEP) /en/news/1-10-2024-handover-clinical-data-exchange-program-cdep <p>Belize City, September 19, 2024 (PAHO/WHO) – In a significant milestone for Belize’s health infrastructure, the °µÍø¸£Àû (PAHO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MoHW) and funded by the European Union, successfully conducted the official handover of the Clinical Data Exchange Program (CDEP) at the Vaccine Building in Belmopan City. This initiative is part of the broader Health Sector Support Programme aimed at strengthening the country’s health system and expanding access to primary care services.</p> 1 Oct 2024 Jaylin Smith node/97319 Ministry of Health Grenada pledges commitment to India funded incinerator project /en/news/30-9-2024-ministry-health-grenada-pledges-commitment-india-funded-incinerator-project <p>St. George's, Grenada - 30 September 2024 (PAHO) - The Ministry of Health is pledging its commitment to completing the installation of the island’s hospital incinerator.</p><p>Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health, with responsibility for General and Health Administration, Kim Taylor, Country Programme Specialist with the PAHO/WHO Office for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Countries (ECC), Fiona Anthony, along with Chief Medical Officer, Shawn Charles, were among those recently touring the site where the incinerator will be installed.</p> 30 Sep 2024 Brenda Lashley node/97280 "Let’s Talk °µÍø¸£Àû Trans Fats! And Why They Need to Go!" Campaign Launched /en/news/30-9-2024-lets-talk-about-trans-fats-and-why-they-need-go-campaign-launched <p><strong>Bridgetown, Barbados, September 30, 2024, (PAHO/WHO)&nbsp;</strong>Did you know that the very foods you eat daily may contain harmful chemicals silently increasing your risk of heart attack or stroke? Industrially-produced trans fats—often lurking in packaged and processed foods— are among the dangerous ingredients in our diets today.</p> 30 Sep 2024 Lisa Bayley node/97275 Contraception in adolescence: Strategies for reducing unintended pregnancy and promoting sexual and reproductive health /en/news/30-9-2024-contraception-adolescence-strategies-reducing-unintended-pregnancy-and-promoting <p><em>Montevideo 30 September 2024</em>. In the framework of the <strong>Week for the Prevention of Unintended Pregnancy in Adolescence</strong> and the <strong>International Contraception Day</strong>, a webinar on <strong>Contraception in Adolescence</strong> was held on 21 September.</p><p>The opening was in charge of Dr. Marisa Labovsky and Dr. Silvia Silvia Oizerovich, presidents of FIGIJ and expresident of REDISSER, respectively, who introduced Dr. Sonja Caffé, PAHO regional advisor on Adolescent Health, for the introduction of the webinar.</p> 30 Sep 2024 Melina Pais node/97324 PAHO/WHO presents the initiative Better Care NCDs: Accelerating Actions in Primary Health Care at the RedCOLAF Congress /en/news/27-9-2024-pahowho-presents-initiative-better-care-ncds-accelerating-actions-primary-health <p><strong>Bogota, 26 September 2024 (PAHO/WHO)</strong>. The °µÍø¸£Àû/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) hosted a symposium in which it presented the initiative "Better Care for NCDs: Accelerating Actions in Primary Health Care" on September 26, within the framework of the 2nd Congress of the Colombian Physical Activity Network (RedCOLAF). The session was coordinated by Dr. Luis Fernando Alarcón Urrutia, consultant for NCDs at PAHO/WHO, and moderated by Dr.</p> 27 Sep 2024 Cayon Arantxa node/97361 Jamaican Traffic Officers Set to Enhance Data Collection with Web-Based Accident Analysis System /en/news/24-9-2024-jamaican-traffic-officers-set-enhance-data-collection-web-based-accident-analysis <p>Kingston, Jamaica, 24 September 2024 (PAHO) – With over 400 lives lost annually on the nation’s roads, the Government of Jamaica, in collaboration with the National Road Safety Council and various local and international partners, is intensifying efforts to curb the rising tide of traffic-related injuries and fatalities.</p> 24 Sep 2024 Thelca White node/97213 Handover of essential medical supplies and equipment to tackle NCDs in Belize /en/news/19-9-2024-handover-essential-medical-supplies-and-equipment-tackle-ncds-belize <p>Belize City, September 19, 2024 (PAHO/WHO) – An official handover of essential medical supplies and equipment took place at the Vaccine Building in Belmopan City. This event, funded by the European Union through the Health Sector Support Programme, was carried out in partnership with the °µÍø¸£Àû (PAHO) and the Ministry of Health and Wellness (MoHW). It focused on providing critical support to ongoing national health initiatives, particularly in the areas of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and cervical cancer prevention and control.</p> 19 Sep 2024 Maria Migliora node/97315 Guyana Conducts National Maternal and Mortality Review Meeting /en/news/18-9-2024-guyana-conducts-national-maternal-and-mortality-review-meeting <p><strong>GEORGETOWN, GUYANA 17 SEPTEMBER 2024</strong>- The Ministry of Health, with the support of PAHO/WHO, organized a meeting to review the national maternal and mortality surveillance data. &nbsp;Senior Officers representing each of the ten administrative regions attended the review meeting led by the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and the Director of Primary Health Care at the Ministry of Health.</p> 18 Sep 2024 Hoyte Angela node/97119